Friday, April 11, 2008

It's all about perspective: An amazing result of the power of positive thinking

They say anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Well, if that's how you think, that's how it will be. If you precondition your mind to whatever it is that you want to think about, it will definitely happen, according to Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book, The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking. Well, I have yet to prove that with another of my experiences. I planned to attend the Microsoft MVP Summit 2008 at Seattle, WA but decided to stop by San Francisco, CA for a few days before heading straight to Seattle. I was prepared to enjoy a 3-day rest and relaxation in San Francisco when some unexpected things happened. Without a definite place to stay and a very tight budget, I struggled to find the cheapest yet most accessible place to stay. I was starting to think of this experience as a nightmare, causing deep holes in my pocket and stress due to anxiety, I realized that my way of thinking will definitely affect how things will be. So, I decided to think positively. After finding a place to stay which is more expensive than what I originally perceived it to be, I decided to enjoy what I have. Since I will have full 3 days of doing what I can possibly think of doing, I planned accordingly. First stop was a Barnes and Noble branch at the Tanforan mall in San Bruno. I have always loved books and this is an opportunity for me to enjoy a good one without having to worry about phone calls or check emails. It was a long mile-and-a-half walk from the place where I was staying to the mall. I enjoyed every step I was taking simply because I knew that I was going to enjoy the reading time that I have always wanted coupled with a great weather to be happy about. With a cup of Starbucks (they actually have a coffee bar inside Barnes and Noble which proved to be a great asset especially if you need to be perked up when you feel a bit sleepy) and a book by Marcus Bukingham, I had one of the best reading days ever. I almost finished the entire book within a few hours. I can’t wait for another day like this when I can really devote undivided time and attention to reading a great book. At the end of the day, how you perceive things would be will eventually end up as you expect it to be – whether you think of it as either good or bad. And that is the power of positive thinking. The same is true with negative thinking. The choice is totally up to you. I can't wait for another great learning adventure tomorrow

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